Wednesday 11 December 2013

It Begins.....

Ok, so quite a while back i thought 'Halo Tabletop Wargame....does it exist' answer is ..yes.. kind of... but not how i would envision it. Theres the HeroClix expansion which is all well and good but its not really 'Halo' so much as another expansion for an existing game, what i thought was something more along the more traditional tabletop wargames.... y'know.. chucking dice, measuring it all out etc.

So it got me working on some ideas i had for a game set in the very well padded Halo universe, The purpose of this blog and its updates is to put up ideas or samples of rules / methods i come up with and to see if anyone reading this has any feedback for me. I'll be working on this project mostly alone (with some input from some friends who are fans of the games) so hearing what versed tabletop gamers have to say about my proposals will go a long way towards maybe someday having a final system.